Dale International
Dale International specialises in all facets of credit management

Sergio D'Alessandro
You've got a question or want a personal conversation?
Dale has an international network
A healthy company has a healthy cashflow. Are your invoices being paid on time? What’s the status of your accounts receivable? Does your company have issues recovering/ collecting it’s accounts receivable? Open arrears cost time, money and negative energy. With the experience of Dale International you will decrease risk, and increase the time you can dedicate to your core business.
Why to choose for Dale International?
Tailor-made at business level
No cost risk
International network
Dale International specialises in all facets of credit management, from order to cash. Professional and personal, honest and independent. A reliable partner with an international network. Wherever in the world your debtor is located, together with our local partners, we always supply tailor-made solutions. And that pays dividends. Literally.
About us
Dale International is founded on over 25 years of experience in credit and debtor management. Deeply rooted in the sector; everything but a standard collection agency. At Dale International, we work on the basis of personal involvement and shared interests. We are more of a partner than a supplier.
Show vacanciesTailor-made solutions
Tailor-made solutions – with an eye towards the client and the customer – are always central to our approach. Each client is different, each debtor is different. This is why each dossier has its own approach. We don’t believe in standard procedures, because there is a story behind each outstanding claim. That’s why we consistently ask ourselves: what is the best strategy to collect the claim this time around? Sometimes a good conversation during a house visit suffices; at other times, a legal procedure is unavoidable. One way or another, the result for you is always the same: your open claim has been successfully collected.
“Entrepreneurship means making agreements. Who supplies a product or service in line with that which was agreed upon, must be able to count on swift payment. In many cases, this occurs smoothly, but sometimes the opposite is true. But, even if a situation seems entirely stuck, and the invoice is threatening to become irrecoverable, there is still a way out. Don’t hesitate to contact us, because there’s always a solution. Honest work deserves an honest reward. That’s what we stand for.”
Our services
Dale International is a bridge between its clients and their debtors. Resolute, but with compassion; a proven recipe for swift payment. Thanks to our practical credit-management solutions, you always have an overview of and insight into the situation. Carefree debtor management, that’s what it’s about.
- Experienced partner
- Personal approach
- Reliable debtor management
National Debt collection
In the Netherlands, Dale International primarily supplies collection management for small-and-medium-sized enterprises. As a collection agency, Dale international guides collection trajectories from start to finish. You can also call on us for independent advice: founded on a quarter of a century of (inter)national experience, we will gladly consider your situation with you. And, because entrepreneurship never stops, you can also reach us outside of office hours.
International Debt collection
Dale International has a strong international network. Through this network, we can offer tailor-made solutions almost everywhere on the planet. Our local collection specialists know the local laws and regulations. On top of that, they speak the local language and are familiar with a region’s local customs, traditions, and other cultural peculiarities. As such, Dale International also protects your interests outside of the country’s borders. Together with our partners, we make the difference.
Debtor management advice
Debtor management is more than the final segment of a service. Professional debtor management, meticulous and decisive, is good for any company. The more effective the debtor management, the better the cash flow, and the higher your profit margins. On top of that, there is a clear relationship between the image of your organisation and debtor management: the way debtor management is conducted, always affects the payment discipline of customers. All the more reason to optimise debtor management.
Are you often hampered by outstanding invoices? Are invoices often paid too late? Contact Dale International. During a non-binding introductory meeting, we will provide practical advice regarding options to improve your debtor management.
Credit management
Effective credit management is of crucial importance to every organisation. This goes beyond invoicing and collection. Knowledge of credit management generates insight into the Cash Conversion Cycle, which looks closely at the average payment period of debtors, creditors, and the average time that goods are in store.
Collecting open invoices, therefore, is only a part of credit management: it’s more about fully understanding and optimising the various flows of money. With the consultants of Dale International, you quickly gain insight into the very (financial) capillaries of the company. At a distance, but also internally. Dispatching is an option.
Equichecker for equestrian entrepreneurs
Dale International specialises in the equestrian sector. From farrier to stallion owner, from vet to breeding station: sector-wide, equestrian entrepreneurs make use of the debt-collection services offered by Dale International. This has not only led to many successful collections, but has also provided us with broad knowledge of payment experiences in the sector. All that data is bundled into one system: Equichecker.
Not a retrospective approach, but rather, selection at the gate. Equichecker consists of a database in which the payment reputation of customers can be ascertained with one mouse click. The database provides insight into past payment histories. This is combined with a traffic-light system, immediately providing insight into the risk of non-payment.

Personal and honest, this is always the guiding principle at Dale International. Equipped with firm legal knowhow, we are comfortable with all forms of collection trajectories. Because we know all there is to know regarding credit management, but also because we are aware that debtor management is human work. This is why we offer tailor-made solutions, because that’s the key to success.
Crystal clear
Transparent in communication and agreements
Always tailor-made solutions, across the globe
Your interest is our interest, also outside of office hours
Independent unburdening
Worldwide network of debt-collection specialists

6021ED Budel
The Netherlands

+31 (0)495 58 63 26
debtors@dale-int.com (substantive inquiries)
info@dale-int.com (general inquiries)
Phone Number: +31 (0)495 58 63 26
Phone Availability
Monday to Thursday 08.30-12.30 & 13.00-17.00
Friday 08.30 - 12.30
WhatsApp: +31 6 83442095
Chamber of Commerce Number: 62831798
VAT Number: NL001851039B84
Kifid Registration: 300.018905
Debt collection agency registration: 00014
Dale International Bank Account
We only use the Stichting Dergengelden incasso Dale International with IBAN account number: NL27 INGB 0009 3051 32
Always check the IBAN account number before making a payment.
Feel free to contact us
Bedankt voor het contact op nemen. We behandelen uw bericht zo snel mogelijk.